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About Grófin

What is Grófin?

Grófin Geðrækt is a free resource for individuals 18 years and older at all stages of the recovery process who want to increase activity, meet new people and engage in self-work on a peer-to-peer basis. Grófin's goal is, among other things, to create opportunities for those who struggle with mental disorders to take responsibility of their recovery and work on it on their own terms, as well as to create a platform for all those who want to work on mental health issues on a peer basis, whether they are mental health services users, professionals, or simply someone interested in advancing mental health services! In addition, we strive to improve the quality of life of participants and to provide education and preventions to increase societal understanding and reduce prejudice against those who suffer from mental disorders. We also want to promote an improved approach in the mental health system where the ideas of empowerment, user-centric vision and recovery process on a peer-to-peer basis are given more balance.


About us

Grófin is the fruit of a grassroots group, that met once a week over two years. The result of their work was to build upon the ten-year success of Hugarafl in Reykjavík and Geðverndarfélagið started this project in the summer of 2013, and in the fall we got out facilities at Hafnarstræti 95. Grófin was started with a user-based business plan and is a user-run facility. We have a professional on staff as well as a few staff members. Grófin is run on the ideology of empowerment where the focus is on the individual taking responsibility for their own mental health and all our work is done with the idea that we are all equal.

Markmið Grófarinnar



Við viljum veita fólki tækifæri á hlutverkum til sjálfseflingar, aukinnar virkni og bættra lífsgæða.



Við miðlum þekkingu og reynslu af bata og bataferli til geðræktar.



Við leggjum upp úr því að draga úr fordómum og vinna að forvörnum.



Við viljum efla samvinnu við aðila sem vinna að geðheilbrigðismálum.


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