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Grófin Geðrækt's Code of Ethics

For board members, staff and volunteers

Purpose of the
Code of Conduct

  • To provide support to Grófin's activities in its important role as an empowering user organization and a recovery community for people struggling with mental disorders or social isolation.

  • To strengthen Grófin's image, maintain, and increase the public's trust in its work by informing them about the criteria that shape the work.

  • To strengthen transparency, good governance, and the responsible work of Grófin for the benefit of the public.

  • To provide Grófin's board, employees, and volunteers with standards of conduct and responsibility that are upheld in addition to legal obligations.

Responsibility towards users, members and sponsors

  1. To show Grófin's users, members, sponsors, and others respect and confidentiality regardless of nationality, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or beliefs.

  2. Not to discriminate on the basis of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, religion, or beliefs.

  3. To provide reliable and clear information quickly and efficiently. Service users are given accessible information about Grófin's activities and it is made easier for them to take advantage of the work and participate in it.

  4. To maintain the utmost confidentiality about Grófin's users and about sensitive information that one might become aware of at work. This includes not mentioning users by name or give information about a user in Grófin, a former user or their relatives. This also applies to communication with the media. Exceptions to confidentiality may only be made out of urgent necessity (obvious danger has been created), in accordance with the law or if the user has given permission.

  5. Encouraging users to make empowering and recovery-shaping changes in their lives. In other respects, users should not be encouraged to adopt attitudes or behaviors that are rooted in one's own beliefs rather than theirs.

  6. Not intentionally harming users physically or mentally. Not to show contempt for users or ridicule them with words or actions. Not to allow another user or colleague to do so.

  7. Not to abuse their position in order to offend or betray the trust of those who come to you. To never take part in activities that can be exploit people for reparation, whether it is socially, financially, or sexually.

  8. Seek to weigh and evaluate one's strengths at work, as well as weaknesses and prejudices, and realize that users can overestimate one's skills and expertise. Therefore, always be vigilant about when it is in the best interests of the user to refer him or her to another specialist* or seek their opinion. (* The term "specialist" refers here to both a specialist with professional knowledge and an individual with experience of mental disorders and recovery processes).

  9. To readily resign from a job if you are unable to take care of it, for example due to illness, mental health problems or circumstances. To meet such circumstances with understanding, whether they are one's own or those of others, is nothing to be ashamed of.

  10. Striving to be a good role model in the use of alcohol and drugs. If you are struggling with an addiction to alcohol or drugs, it is a promise to use neither while working for Grófin. Users are also promised to take a drug test if the management so requests.

Responsibility of board members, staff and volunteers

  • To work to create public confidence in Grófin's operations and do nothing that undermines its reputation, whether in private life or work.

  • To remain loyal to Grófin's goals and ideology of empowerment, recovery model and peer approach and work according to this ideology.

  • To maintain and improve knowledge and skills iregrding the job by following innovations and attending courses and lifelong learning if possible.

  • Not to use confidential information for self-promotion.

  • Not to provide facilities for personal relationships or personal gain.

  • To respect the work of other associations and organizations and introduce themselves through their own work.

  • To show colleagues respect, willingness to cooperate and support, and promote the progress of projects.

Responsible finance

  • The handling of funds is in accordance with approved accounting and accounting principles and the auditing of accounts is in the hands of elected auditors and / or chartered accountants.

  • Information on finances and operations is transparent and presented clearly.

  • It is always clear what funds are raised and the required permits for the museums are obtained.

  • Proceeds from any sale and cost ratio for fundraising are available to those who request it.

  • Integrity is maintained and grants are not accepted from parties who, through their conduct or activities, work against Grófin's ideology.

  • Grófin does not raise money in an immoral way.

  • Employees are consulted in the day-to-day operations and handling of the company's assets.

Responsibility towards the public, media, and society

  • Information from Grófin's representatives must be reliable and give a correct picture and context of what is being presented. Statistics and concepts should be well defined and promote clear and accurate news coverage to the public.

  • Grófin works independently towards its goals with the interests of its users, members and the public in mind. Grófin is also committed to its users, all those who support or support the operation and the general public to work diligently and maintain regular measurements of the quality and results of the work.

  • Grófin Mental Health Center always has environmental considerations as a guiding principle in its operations and thus sets a good example in dealing with nature and society.

About the Code

  • The Code of Conduct shall be published on the website of Grófin.

  • Grófin's employees and volunteers, including board and committee members, are introduced to these rules at the beginning of their work for the organization. They confirm with their signatures that they agree to work according to the rules.

  • If there is any suspicion or it becomes clear that this code of conduct has been violated, whoever it may be, it should be reported to Grófin's board. The board shall consider and deal with the matter with regard to the organization's law.

  • Violations of the Code of Conduct can lead to discussion, guidance, and search for solutions in an attempt to make amends for violations as much as possible or to make others the necessary remedies. Serious violations or repeated violations may result in termination.

  • Care shall be taken to ensure that the person submitting the information on the alleged breach of the Code is not harmed.

  • If a complex ethical issue arises that is difficult to resolve - external assistance will be obtained.

Grófin Geðrækt 

Hafnarstræti 95, 4. floor
600, Akureyri 

Phone: 462-3400


Opening hours:

Mondays: 10:00 - 16:00

Tuesdays: 10:00 - 14:30

Wednesdays: 10:00 - 16:00

Thursdays: 10:00 - 16:00

Fridays: 10:00 - 14:00

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