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Anna Sjöfn Jónasdóttir


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Eymundur is one of the founders of Grófin. He went to Vocational Rehabilitation and then graduated as a consultant from the Icelandic Counseling School and as a social worker from Símey. Eymundur has a lot of experience of living with social anxiety and now he shares his experience and the hope he has found. He has, among other things, been the project manager for Grófin's awareness program and has also participated in seminars. Eymundur is very concerned that young people receive help and support as soon as possible, which is why he has conducted numerous interviews in the media where he talks about what it is like to live with social anxiety, the recovery process and how to help others.

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Friðrik Einarsson

Peer advisor

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Friðrik Einarsson is one of the founders of Grófarinn and was chairman of the board for the first few years but now appoints a treasurer. Friðrik is a peer advisor and works as such at Grófinn. Friðrik is also Grófarinn's representative in the Consultative Group on Disability in Akureyri. Friðrik has experience of both mental and drug problems and has been recovering well in recent years. Regarding his recovery, he says: "Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DAM) in 2008 has been useful to me, along with the right drugs and constant contact with my main counselors. The DAM toolbox has been bringing me more and better recovery over time ".


Hulda Berglind Árnadóttir

Project manager of activity corner and peer councellor


Eymundur is one of the founders of Grófin. He went to Vocational Rehabilitation and then graduated as a consultant from the Icelandic Counseling School and as a social worker from Símey. Eymundur has a lot of experience of living with social anxiety and now he shares his experience and the hope he has found. He has, among other things, been the project manager for Grófin's awareness program and has also participated in seminars. Eymundur is very concerned that young people receive help and support as soon as possible, which is why he has conducted numerous interviews in the media where he talks about what it is like to live with social anxiety, the recovery process and how to help others.

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Hulda Berglind Árnadóttir

Project manager of activity corner and peer councellor

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Eymundur is one of the founders of Grófin. He went to Vocational Rehabilitation and then graduated as a consultant from the Icelandic Counseling School and as a social worker from Símey. Eymundur has a lot of experience of living with social anxiety and now he shares his experience and the hope he has found. He has, among other things, been the project manager for Grófin's awareness program and has also participated in seminars. Eymundur is very concerned that young people receive help and support as soon as possible, which is why he has conducted numerous interviews in the media where he talks about what it is like to live with social anxiety, the recovery process and how to help others.


Pálína Sigrún Halldórsdóttir

Managing director and occupational therapist

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Palina  is  occupational therapist  educated, and is also a farmer with  training test  from Hólaskóli. After graduation, Pálína started working as a department manager and  occupational therapist  in Akureyri in housing solutions for people with mental health problems, including rehabilitation in a halfway house, where a holistic rehabilitation took place with the aim of people who went there taking control of their own lives. During her studies at the University of Akureyri, she became interested in the ideology of empowerment, which led to her being one of three people who introduced that ideology into the service of housing solutions in Akureyri. Pálina has also been to London and  Notthingham  to get acquainted with the ideology of the recovery schools and undertake part-time teaching at the University of Akureyri and have been with occupational therapy students in field studies from there in work over the years.  

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Sonja Rún Magnúsdóttir

Project manager of youth groups

and peer advisor

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Sonja is the project manager of Unghugur Grófarinn but at the same time she is a psychology student at the University of Akureyri. In addition, she is an alternate member of Grófarinn's board and has participated in Grófarinn's Psychiatric team in primary and secondary schools over the years. She has a long history and has been working on her own recovery for several years. She is extremely interested in working with young people to improve their mental health and promote further resources for individuals suffering from mental challenges. She is also Grófarinn's self-appointed librarian. 


The board 2022 - 2023


From right top row: Katla, Júlíus, Sonja and Fjörnir

Bottom row: Brynjólfur, Friðrik, Sólrún and Inga María.

Missing from picture: Sigurður gísli

Former boards



Frá hægri efri röð: Sonja, Sigurjón (formaður), Brynjólfur, Emma.

Neðri röð: Gréta, Lilja, Elín. Á myndina vantar Fjörni og Sólrúnu.



Frá hægri efri röð: Katla, Júlíus Blómkvist, Sonja Rún, Fjörnir.

Neðri röð: Brynjólfur, Friðrik, Sólrún og Inga María (formaður)


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Frá hægri efri röð: Sigurjón, Sonja Rún, Inga María, Herdís, Katla.

Neðri röð: Brynjólfur, Sólrún, Gréta, Lilja.



From right top row: Brynjólfur, Fjörnir, Sigurður Gísli and Júlíus.

Bottom row: Friðrik, Eymundur, María and Sonja

Missing from picture are Júlíus and Elín



From right top row: Fjörnir, Friðrik, Brynjólfur, Júlíus, Elísabet. 

Bottom row: Sandra, María, Svana, Emma

Grófin Geðrækt 

Hafnarstræti 95, 4. floor
600, Akureyri 

Phone: 462-3400


Opening hours:

Mondays: 10:00 - 16:00

Tuesdays: 10:00 - 14:30

Wednesdays: 10:00 - 16:00

Thursdays: 10:00 - 16:00

Fridays: 10:00 - 14:00

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